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Image by Taylor Wilcox


We hold weekly Shabbat services both in person and online.  As well, we gather for the Feast days according to the majority Jewish calendar. 


God willing, we will eventually hold various ministries during the week.  We encourage everyone to serve the community. 


Prayer starts at 10:30am on Shabbat at the synagogue,

Shabbat Services at 11:30am EST


If joining services online, you can watch live by clicking on the link below.


In order to walk in the Torah, we encourage you not to use online services as a regular substitute for in-person fellowship.  


Instead, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all ways into Messiah, who is the Head. From Him the whole body is fitted and held together by every supporting ligament. The proper working of each individual part produces the body’s growth, for building itself up in love. Eph 4.15


Prayer at 10:30 am on Shabbat, in person only, at the syngagogue before services.


Prayer on Wednesdays at 7.30pm EST online only.  Click the link below.  Prayer requests can be sent to us by email.


When you call to me
and pray to me,
​I will listen to you.

Jeremiah 29:12


Adonai is close to all
who call on him,
to all who sincerely call on him.

Psalm 145:18


Discipleship Program for children 10-15 years old based upon the Scriptures.  This is directed toward children attending the congregation. 


The Scriptures are explored and examined with a full appreciation of the Jewish culture and context.


Open my eyes, so that I will
see wonders from your Torah

Psalm 119:18


Happens on Sundays. Email us for details.


A ministry dedicated to feeding the homeless in Toronto with bread from the earth and heaven.  


Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. 

(Heb 13:16). 


A ministry intended for congregation attendees only.  Committment required.  Email us for details.


A ministry designed to share the Good News of Yeshua as King to those incarcerated.


Remember the prisoners as if you were fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you also were suffering bodily. 
 (Heb 13.3). 




Kehillat Mayim Chaim is an autonomous and independent Yeshua centred Messianic community welcoming of jews and non-jews, serving the Greater Toronto Area.


11 Cross St., York, ON, M9N 2B8


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© 2021 by Kehillat Mayim Chaim. 

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