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Image by Tetiana SHYSHKINA


When we celebrate together as a community we want to ensure our fellowship is as appropriate for as many within the community as possible.  The guidelines are an attempt to create an environment where all are comfortable.  Our shul (synagogue) is to be a welcoming environment salted with love and holiness.


KMC ÉTIQUETTE (guidelines for oneg, attire, and parents)


Oneg guidelines

After the Shabbat service, we fellowship during an oneg with bagels and cream cheese provided by our congregation. In addition, on the last Shabbat of the month, we have a special Oneg.


You are welcome to bring food to share. Please only bring foods permitted according to the Bible (Leviticus 11).

  • Please don’t bring any food containing pork, shellfish (i.e. shrimp, crab, lobster, octopus), catfish (i.e. basa), shark, or gelatin products.

  • If you bring packed items, make sure they are kosher (kosher symbols).

  • Please hand your items to the kitchen volunteers. 

  • Advise the kitchen volunteers of any common food allergens: ie: nuts, etc.

  • Fresh dishes (not leftovers) are preferred. 

  • After oneg please take your dishes and utensils home. 


Attire guidelines

As a community focussed on serving and worshipping the King, our clothing should appropriately reflect this. 


The general rule of thumb is that our appearance should be presentable, modest and appropriate for a congregational service setting. Form-fitting, overly tight, sexy, too casual, and revealing clothing describe inappropriate attire. A few examples:



A ‘sexy’ muscle shirt would be one example of inappropriate clothing. 

Basketball shorts would be another example.



Tight ‘sexy’ jeans is one example of inappropriate attire.

A form-fitting dress showing excess cleavage would be another example.


No Business On Shabbat 

Please do not discuss doing, or transact, business on Shabbat. The goal is to be respectful of the day and others and reserve this type of conversation for another day.


For Parents

Our congregation is child-friendly, we encourage you to keep your children during the service.

If your child becomes loud or a distraction, you may leave to calm them down and then return back to service.

Please attend the washroom with your child. Never allow children to roam unattended.

Children playing outside should have proper supervision, and children should not play in the parking lot or driveway.

We ask that children not use electronic devices at shul on Shabbat (we want them to take a break from the electronic overload during the week and fellowship).  


Please contact the elders if you have any questions about these guidelines.

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